Remit of the Board of Governors
As a Board of Governors we have three core functions:
- Setting the strategic direction of the school
- Holding leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and
- Ensuring financial health, probity and value for money.
What does the Board of Governors do?
Governors are responsible for a number of areas including attainment, finance, policies and procedures. Our role involves working closely with the Headteacher and staff to ensure children get the best possible education to enable them to reach their full potential, in an environment where they feel safe, valued and where learning is fun.
Our main functions are to:
- Help set the aims and objectives for the school
- Help ensure the policies and procedures are relevant and achieve their objectives
- Set targets to monitor the progress of the school to ensure it is meeting its aims and objectives
- Be a critical friend to the school and provide a source of challenge and support
In addition to providing high-quality education for every child, we want to offer children so much more, and we’re delighted to be part of a school that builds children’s confidence through praise, encouragement, and experience.
The Instrument of Government
The school’s instrument of Government (see below), which came into effect on 12th May 2015, states that the Board of Governors shall comprise:
4 parent governors
1 LA governor
1 staff governor
1 headteacher
3 co-opted governors
10 Governors in total
Please refer to the Register of Governors’ Terms of Office, Interests, Roles and Responsibilities at the bottom of the page.
The Structure of Governance
The governance of the school is carried out in accordance with our Standing Orders:
Governors Standing Orders – Approved Sep 2024
In addition to meeting as a Full Governing Board at least six times a year, we have additional meetings each term of our Finance and Premises Committee:
Finance and Premises Committee
The Finance and Premises Committee oversees the financial aspects of the running of the school, monitoring expenditure, approving the budget and agreeing the final accounts. All aspects of the school premises are also managed by the Committee, including capital bids for renovation and new building projects.
Attendance at Meetings
Information about governors’ attendance at meetings is available here:
SPS Governor Attendance over the last 12 months – updated 11th Feb 2025
Minutes of Meetings
The approved Minutes of meetings are available on request from Roger Slater, the Clerk to Governors:
Governor Link Roles and Responsibilities
Governors also have individual roles and responsibilities. Please refer to the Register of Governors’ Terms of Office, Interests, Roles and Responsibilities at the bottom of the page.
Transparency and Accountability
At Slimbridge Primary School, we strive for transparency and accountability in all aspects of our operations, including financial matters.
As part of our commitment to openness, we hereby declare that no member of our staff earns over £100,000 per year.
We adhere to strict guidelines and regulations regarding salaries and remuneration, ensuring that our financial resources are allocated responsibly.
Governors’ Pecuniary and Non Pecuniary Interests
Each year, all governors declare in writing any financial and business interests. They must also declare whether they are related to any members of staff and whether they are governors at any other schools. At the beginning of every meeting, governors must declare any interests in agenda items that may affect their impartiality.
Please refer to the Register of Governors’ Terms of Office, Interests, Roles and Responsibilities at the bottom of the page.
As governors we abide by a Code of Conduct which is based on the Nolan Principles for public life:
Governors Code of Conduct – Adopted Sep 2024
Please also see our policy on allowances for governors:
Governor Allowances Policy 23-24
Register of Governors’ Terms of Office, Interests, Roles and Responsibilities – updated Feb 2025