Speaking and Listening

Slimbridge Primary School

Speaking and Listening

Speaking and listening form the basis of our ability to communicate. These skills need to be valued and nurtured. The children present their ideas and opinions in all areas of school life – having your opinion listened to has a direct impact on a learner’s confidence. The essential characteristics of successful communicator are:

An exceptional talent for listening attentively so as to understand what is being said
A rich and varied vocabulary that gives clarity and interest to conversations
Clear speech that can be easily understood by a range of audiences
An excellent grasp of the rules used in English conversation, such as tenses and the grammatical structure of sentences
A highly developed ability to tell stories that capture the interest and imagination of the audience
A delight in initiating and joining conversations
Respect for others when communicating, even when views differ
At Slimbridge Primary School, we encourage our children to communicate well with the people around them and to build strong foundations for a successful and confident future.